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Mary Koczan


Representing Friends of Peace Park Sheboygan

 Mary has lived in Sheboygan since 1975. A retired teacher, she started out teaching music, then switched to early childhood and adult education.  Among the many activities that keep her occupied in her retirement, Mary enjoys quilting, storytelling, gardening, social activism, genealogy, photo editing, computer design and singing with the Raging Grannies of Sheboygan.  She got involved with Friends of Peace Park Sheboygan in 2016, "just to help with planting flowers". She soon became a member of the Board and then Secretary. Her long history of  activism and her knowledge of computers and technology (not to mention her ability to plant flowers) have been put to good use in many aspects of the group's development and growth. Mary has been married to Frank for 43 years. They have two sons and daughters-in-law and two grand-cats, all of whom live in the Madison area.