LISMA Partners Launch the Ward Award for Invasive Species Control
Tom Ward (right) Receiving the first "Ward Award" from Jim Kettler (left).
The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership used the Gathering in Gratitude on September 18 as an opportunity to launch the new Ward Award – Champion of Lakeshore Invasive Species Management. The annual award will honor individuals, landowners, businesses, and local units of government for leadership of collaborative efforts to control and eradicate invasive species in the Lakeshore region of Wisconsin. The first award of course goes to Tom Ward for years of dedicated and inspirational service to our Lakeshore Communities.
Tom has served on the LNRP Board since 2008, including two terms as secretary. Tom has facilitated the development of a number of citizen organizations in Manitowoc County such as the Friends of the Branch River, the Manitowoc County Lakes Association, Pigeon River Watershed Monitors, and Groundwater Guardians. He was past State President for the Soil & Water Conservation Society and helped re-organize the state chapter to improve operations. Tom helped organize and was a charter member of the Great Lakes Non-point Abatement Coalition (GLNAC). His experiences in managing DNR grants started with the Silver Lake Restoration project of more than $100,000. The Silver Lake Restoration Grant (2005-06) allowed MCLA to restore the lake by removing rough fish followed by an alum treatment to lower Silver Lake’s phosphorus levels, improve water quality, and enhance fish habitat including a natural shoreline buffer
Tom was a critical and valuable resource in developing the four-‐county invasive species collaborative approach with the Lakeshore Invasive Species Management Area (LISMA) as a member of the organizing committee. Tom has helped train volunteers for invasive species work hosting training workshops for the Manitowoc County Lakes Association, the Friends of Hika Bay, and the Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed.
Tom Ward is truly a Champion of Lakeshore Invasive Species Management!
Since 2015, Tom has acted as the local liaison for the Manitowoc County Collaborative Phragmites Control Project. Tom worked directly with landowners and local units of government to obtain permission to treat phragmites on the property as well as play a critical role in our collective education and outreach. Tom has definitely made an impact on habitat and land use protection through his leadership. His projects are standing in place today to preserve the natural beauty of these fragile plant and animal ecosystems.
Related Links (Winter Newsletter):
A Look Back… and a Look Forward with Tom
Partner Profile — Friends of Stony Brook
Project Update — Autumn Beach Cleanups, Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed
Project Update — Sheboygan Water Trail News
Project Update — Restoring Amsterdam Dunes with LNRP Partners
Welcome LNRP’s New Director of Partnerships and Programs