Project Update — Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed 2021 Autumn Beach Cleanups a Big Success
Young adults cleaning the beach at the beach cleanup (Screenshot from WFRV Reporting).
On Saturday, September 18th and Sunday, September 19th almost 75 volunteers descended on five separate City of Manitowoc beaches for one of our many annual Beach Clean-ups. These hands-on activities (literally) allow members of the general public to take part in an important seasonal ritual; picking up the debris and garbage that regularly accumulates on the beaches of our Great Lakes. We’re proud of all of our LNRP community groups that take an active part in these important cleanups.
Organized by the Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed (FMRW) with support from LNRP, the beach cleanup this autumn was a great success. Kudos to the organizers of this and so many prior beach and river cleanups in “Manty,” Wendy Lutzke and Kim Kettner. Wendy and Kim also have leadership roles in FMRW. From local students to Sisters from Holy Family Convent, everyone enjoyed the beautiful day and camaraderie of working together to clean our beaches.
This year’s cleanups also generated some excellent press from the Green Bay TV market. WFRV, Channel 5 sent reporter Paul Steeno to this important Great Lakes port and shipbuilding community to tell the story of locals helping to clean up our public beaches. Interviews were conducted with exchange students from Spain currently attending Roncallie High School and with members of the Lakeshore Tae Kwon Do club. All of the trash collected is carefully logged and this data is sent to the Great Lakes Adopt a Beach program for inclusion in a region-wide database. Watch the TV report on this Fall’s Manitowoc Beach Cleanup above.
Related Links (Winter Newsletter):
Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed Partner Profile
A Look Back… and a Look Forward with Tom
Partner Profile — Friends of Stony Brook
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