Posts in Newsletter
An Open Autumn Letter... Message from the Board President

The seasons are most definitely turning. Change is something that happens whether (or “weather”) we like it or not, and being hearty Wisconsinites, we generally know how to adapt to change. As LNRP approaches the end of its 20th anniversary year, the board of directors and staff are also embracing some big changes; changes that are opening important opportunities for us as we look toward the future with optimism and great anticipation… as well as with open eyes to the challenges that continue to drive us as an environmentally-focused nonprofit.

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Reflecting on 20 Years of Impact

For 20 years, LNRP has been committed to the ideals of conservation, collaboration, and community as we serve 2,400 square miles of the Lakeshore Basin. You can find an overview of our impact here, and we encourage you to explore the 2021-2022 Impact Report for more details, reflections, and voices!

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Springtime Synonyms… Message from the Executive Director

Spring has sprung – and with it, all the requisite synonyms we all use to describe this time of year.  

Rebirth. Reawakening. Renewal. Rejuvenation. Regeneration. Revival. And yes, Restoration.

All of the above words certainly connect intimately to our LNRP mission. Really, they capture the essence of the transformative community-focused, conservation-based work we do with our partners, friends, and supporters like you…

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Meet the New Director of Projects Amy Lentz

Amy Lentz joins the LNRP team with 8 years of experience in non-profit work, primarily in Milwaukee County. Those positions focused on environmental education, youth mentorship, and science communications, as well as political organizing. She has a M.S from UW- Milwaukee’s School of Freshwater Sciences and a B.S from UW-Madison in Environmental Science and History.

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Project Update — Coastal Resilience Community Impact Project

Extreme precipitation events, coastal storms, and fluctuating water levels pose threats to Lake Michigan coastal communities. Flooding, erosion, and storm surge can threaten properties and impair infrastructure and other assets that are vital to the region’s economic security. Agricultural and urban runoff during heavy rain events can also impair water quality in receiving water bodies, further threatening recreation and tourism. Planning, preparing for and adapting to these and other climate change hazards can enhance community resilience and strengthen coastal economies.

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Project Update — Carstens Lake Water Quality Improvement Project

The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP), Stantec, and the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (UWSP) are collaborating to improve water quality in Carstens Lake and Lake Michigan. A study identified high phosphorus levels in Carstens Lake, leading to the construction of an offline sedimentation basin and the use of UWSP's sorption technology to reduce contamination. The project aims to protect the lakes, create wildlife habitat, and diversify land use. Construction is set to begin in fall 2023 with two years of monitoring. LNRP also plans to enhance a degraded wetland area for additional water quality benefits and habitat value.

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Project Update — LNRP and Stantec Work Together on Projects in the Lakeshore Basin

LNRP and Stantec Consulting Services have created project summaries showcasing collaborative initiatives in the Lakeshore Basin. The summaries cover projects funded by the US Forest Service and the Wildlife Conservation Society's Climate Adaptation Fund, a regional Collaborative Phragmites Control Program, and the Amsterdam Dunes Preservation Area Habitat Restoration project. These projects aim to enhance coastal ecosystems, control invasive species, and protect critical habitats for migratory birds in the Lakeshore Basin.

Project summaries were developed to showcase several collaborative projects in the Lakeshore Basin.

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Partner Update — Friends of North Point: Winter Speaker Series

The Friends of North Point (FONP) concluded their winter speaker series, featuring three speakers in 2023 focusing on native plants and plant management. The first speaker, Jason Granberg from the Wisconsin DNR, discussed the identification and control of invasive species, emphasizing the importance of early detection. Dr. Warren Porter from UW-Madison addressed the effects of pesticide use on human reproductive health and development, highlighting the potential risks associated with common pesticides. The final speaker, Randy Powers from Prairie Future Seed Company, discussed sustainable practices for creating native landscapes on properties, showcasing the benefits of native plant gardens.

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Twenty years…it’s kind of a big deal!

The “You” is the most critical piece of that milestone anniversary celebration. I know that feels like an old adage, but it is so very true – you are talented, inspired, impassioned, enthusiastic, generous people who make LNRP the success it has been these past two decades. Our LNRP Team is genuinely grateful for each and every one of you. We are privileged to collaborate with you on our community-based land and water conservation work – and we thank you.

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Climate Change Coalition of Door County Welcomes Jeff Lutsey as Next Executive Director

In July, we welcomed Jeff Lutsey to the LNRP team as Executive Director of the Climate Change Coalition of Door County. Lutsey brings a wealth of climate- and environment-related experience to the coalition. He is no stranger to environmentalism in Door County as a part of the Waseda Farms family in Baileys Harbor…

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2022 Lakeshore Water Summit a Great Success

On October 12th, at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay - Manitowoc Campus, members of our lakeshore communities attended the 10th annual Lakeshore Water Summit. Open to the public, these summits highlight the important work done by undergraduate students at UWGB-Manitowoc Campus on our region’s freshwater resources.

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LNRP Wraps Up Climate Adaptation Fund Efforts

LNRP secured funding in 2019 from the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Climate Adaptation Fund to support collective coastal resiliency efforts. Complementary to the multiple projects funded by US Forest Service grants, the effort uses tree plantings and collaborative education and outreach to address several issues that are emerging as critical challenges to the Lake Michigan coastal ecosystem.

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LNRP Helps Lead Better Water Management at the Sheboygan Marsh

Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP), a Wisconsin environmental nonprofit focused upon land and water conservation in the Lake Michigan basin, has recently led forward critical collaborative restoration work at the Sheboygan Marsh that will help protect fish and wildlife and improve recreational hunting, fishing, and bird-watching.

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Project Update — LNRP’s Coastal Resiliency Community Impact Project

In response to the challenge of climate change, LNRP launched the Coastal Resiliency Community Impact Project (CRCIP) in late 2020 and spent 2021 engaging Lake Michigan’s coastal communities. We believe this Coastal Resiliency opportunity will prove valuable resources to our municipal partners working to identify, plan, fund, and execute relevant community projects.

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