Amsterdam Dunes Restoration Project: Sheboygan County

Sheboygan River Basin Partnership

The Project is located on a 329-acre property owned by Sheboygan County, adjacent to the western shore of Lake Michigan and the Cedar Grove Ornithological Research Station and State Natural Area. Together, these conservation properties form a significant undeveloped, protected natural area that has been identified by WDNR and Sheboygan County as a priority area for conservation, based on the presence of a combination of significant natural features. These include: stopover habitat for migratory avian species; presence of globally rare Great Lakes Ridge and Swale ecosystem; documented presence of Threatened/Endangered/Special Concern plant and animal species; a diverse assemblage of connected upland, wetland and aquatic habitat types; presence of 1900 feet of undeveloped Lake Michigan shoreline; and a relatively undisturbed coastal bluff system. The goal of this Project is to restore degraded portions of the property to sustain high quality natural communities, watersheds, and aquatic and terrestrial habitats, including mesic prairie, wet meadow, dry-mesic and mesic forest, hardwood swamp, Great Lakes ridge and swale, and streams.  Restored plant communities comprised of diverse native grasses, forbs, sedges, shrubs, and trees will provide high quality habitat for diverse wildlife species, migratory and resident birds, amphibians, pollinators, including vulnerable and rare species.