We are a conservation champion fostering community and partner collaboration from the Niagara Escarpment to the shores of Lake Michigan.
Through our actions, we create healthy ecosystems that improve water quality and support vibrant communities.
We believe in:
- An environmental stewardship ethic that facilitates cooperative planning, restoration, and responsible management of our air, land and water resources to ensure their long-term health;
- An environmental stewardship ethic that acknowledges our responsibility to care for our natural resources in ways that ensure our quality of life;
- An environmental stewardship ethic as key to economic prosperity, social justice and healthy ecosystems for future generations.
LNRP was launched in 2003 by a small group of friends who believed the Lakeshore Basin's best hope lay in people reaching across fences to "foster partnerships, cultivate projects, promote discussion and ... advocate for a balance between land use and natural resource conservation and protection."
Two decades later, we're still reaching out: still getting our hands dirty and our feet wet, and still finding creative solutions to improve and protect the Basin.
We're the region's leading voice for the waters of northeast and east central Wisconsin.
Because of our many successes and our strong partnerships with public officials, civic leaders, farmers, educators, and hundreds of dedicated community advocates and volunteers, LNRP is a respected thought leader throughout the Niagara Escarpment.
We work tirelessly to protect the Great Lakes Basin and the watersheds it encompasses for the safety and enjoyment of all.
With our seven local watershed partners, four regional networks, and Restore the Shore efforts, we collaborate to foster stewardship and champion the environment. We get things done!
We foster stewardship and "a sense of place" through programs, special events, and outings throughout the year.
If you haven't been to one of our programs, tours, paddles, or restoration projects, you're in for a treat! We love spending time outdoors, and we don't mind getting our feet wet or our hands dirty if we can leave a beach, a riverbed, or a forest a little better than before.
Outreach to children has been a priority since our early days.
We understand that stewardship is a value best instilled early and cultivated often with first-hand experiences. To that end, we host family-friendly programs year-round. Kids believe in fun, and so do we!
We support research, educational workshops, and community projects throughout the region.
We have strong partnerships with area schools, colleges and universities and, together, we are making significant strides toward identifying and addressing problem water areas.
We fund dozens of small and large local projects every year.
One thing we are really good at is securing funds to support local projects such as invasive species removal, bridge and boat launch building, forest restoration, and land management practices that improve soil health.
We celebrate those who are working hard every day to protect our natural resources in creative and innovative ways.
Since 2008, we have honored conservation champions who protect and restore our water, land and habitats, and who help educate the public on environmental issues.
We're in for the long haul.
Unlike some advocacy groups or hired consultants, when LNRP pledges support for local projects, we stay committed from the initial planning stages through implementation to maintenance and evaluation. This sets LNRP apart. This summer, when we dedicate the new pedestrian bridge at Hika Park, it'll be the culmination of a project that began in 2008.
Read our previous impact reports here.
Project sites with local unit of government and LNRP partner.