Posts in Newsletter
Project Update — LNRP Builds on Forest Service Support

Lake Michigan coastal and riparian communities have been significantly impacted by land-use changes; therefore, restoring these unique ecosystems and reducing impacts from land conversion, erosion, pollution, and fragmentation are critical. Forests along the Lake Michigan coastline absorb severe impacts from a changing climate, including intense challenges to birds and wildlife and changes in weather patterns. LNRP will address climate impacts such as warmer, longer growing seasons, milder winters, increased frequency of heavy precipitation, higher fire risk, and the amplification of forest health stressors such as pests and invasive species.

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Project Update — Gerber Lake Tree Planting

Management techniques such as prescribed fire, removal and control of invasive species, and planting native trees, shrubs, and herbs are needed to maintain and enhance ecological health. The establishment of diverse native vegetation and year-round cover on this Property will result in increased foraging and nesting habitat for native wildlife species.

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Project Update — Friends of the Manitowoc River Watershed 2021 Autumn Beach Cleanups a Big Success

On Saturday, September 18th and Sunday, September 19th almost 75 volunteers descended on five separate City of Manitowoc beaches for one of our many annual Beach Clean-ups. These hands-on activities (literally) allow members of the general public to take part in an important seasonal ritual…

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Project Update — Water Trail Update from Sheboygan River Basin Partnership

Like many navigable rivers in our region, the Sheboygan River has seen a lot of changes over the decades. One of the more noticeable and positive changes, along with gradual improvements to water quality and riparian habitats, has to do with more and more canoers, kayakers, and paddlers now using the river as a source of recreation, inspiration, and exercise…

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Project Update — LNRP and Partners Continue to Work on Restoring Amsterdam Dunes

The Amsterdam Dunes Preservation Area is a 328-acre property owned by Sheboygan County, adjacent to the western shore of Lake Michigan and the Cedar Grove Ornithological Research Station and State Natural Area. Together, these conservation properties form a significant undeveloped, protected natural area that has been identified by WDNR and Sheboygan County as a priority area for conservation…

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Welcome LNRP's New Director of Partnerships and Programs

In November, our LNRP Team welcomed Natalie Dorrler-Hyde as our new Director of Partnerships and Programs! Natalie joined LNRP after over a decade of experience working in environmental and conservation organizations throughout Wisconsin and beyond. Her roles have ranged from interpretive education and land management to administration and fundraising – and her impact in those roles has been impressive…

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LISMA Partners Launch the Ward Award for Invasive Species Control

The Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership used the Gathering in Gratitude on September 18 as an opportunity to launch the new Ward Award – Champion of Lakeshore Invasive Species Management. The annual award will honor individuals, landowners, businesses, and local units of government for leadership of collaborative efforts to control and eradicate invasive species in the Lakeshore region of Wisconsin…

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Lakeshore Water Institute Interns Present Their Findings at the 2021 Lakeshore Water Summit

LNRP and local partner Friends of Hika Bay, in collaboration with faculty from UWGB-Manitowoc Campus, formed the Lakeshore Water Institute. A core activity of the institute involves undergraduate research students collecting and analyzing water quality data from watersheds in southern Manitowoc County…

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Partner Profile-Niagara Escarpment Resource Network

The Niagara Escarpment’s distinct geology – a 1,000+ mile-long exposed cliff face – influences the landscape surrounding it, thereby creating its own microcosm of natural splendor and ecological wonder. A treasure trove of destinations and experiences await residents and visitors alike. Learn more about the Niagara Escarpment Resource Network by clicking on the image above.

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Lake Michigan Conservation Heroes to be Honored during Lake Michigan Day Event on August 13th

The Lake Michigan Stakeholders (LMS) have selected the individuals, organizations, businesses, and first nations it will celebrate for outstanding efforts to protect and enhance the lands and waters of the Lake Michigan basin. To honor and recognize their achievements and impacts, LMS will honor these Lake Michigan “Champions of Conservation” during the virtual Lake Michigan Day event on Friday, August 13th. Click on the image to learn more.

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Spend a day at the beach with LNRP Partner events all along the shoreline!

Beach Cleanups provide an opportunity to enjoy these special places along the shores of Lake Michigan while also giving back by cleaning up the litter that accumulates on the beaches. You can help by registering to volunteer at a beach near you during the events on May 8th from 9-11am or by signing up to do your own individual cleanup at any beach, on any day!

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The Climate Change Coalition of Door County's Season of Action

In 2012, a group of friends became increasingly concerned about the gap between reliable scientific information and public understanding of the impending climate crisis. Thus was born the Climate Change Coalition of Door County (CCC), which soon affiliated with LNRP…

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